Videos of Careers for Graduates in Theology and Religious Studies

What can you do with a degree in Theology and Religious Studies? Almost anything! A huge number of pathways open out from this degree, which gives knowledge and skills that are in high demand among employers. Graduates in Theology and Religion have among the highest employment rates of all students, and find themselves at home in careers as diverse as business, the law, teaching, TV, communication, the civil service, local government, and industry, as well as roles in religious communities and the charitable sector.

TRS-UK (which represents all UK University Departments of Theology & Religion) has now published short videos of graduates in a wide variety of careers. NATRE were pleased to support TRS-uk with finding graduates and to give a teacher perspective on the project. Thank you to those of you who were able to help.

There are ten individual profiles and two compilations. Do let us know how you use them

View careers playlist

YouTube TRS-UK

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