
Our RE Advisers work closely with the Anglican and Catholic Dioceses to find the best solutions for you, tailoring our services to meet your needs.

We provide RE services to support to the Diocesan education team, working with the Diocese to support church schools. Our services include:

  • On-going RE and CPD
  • Support the Diocesan roll-out of Understanding Christianity
  • Diocesan RE conferences
  • Teaching & learning activities

Course and consultancy directory

Read our case studies below to get a flavour of how we have supported others:

Case Study:

Working together

School/Organisation Name:

Leicester Diocese

What did they need?

The Diocese works with RE Today on a regular basis (over 20 days a year) to support school pupils, teachers, senior leaders, governors and clergy.

Working with RE Today

RE Today has been working with the Diocese for many years and has delivered many courses and conferences, as well as providing on-going consultancy and support.

How did we do?

Yolanda Morley-McKay, Assistant Diocesan Director of Education, The Leicester Diocesan Board of Education

'RE Today have been supporting Leicester DBE with its support for RE coordinators, school leaders and pupils for many years. We find this support invaluable in our provision of RE training for our schools.

The RE Today consultants have in-depth and current knowledge of all areas of RE and always ensure sessions are practical, engaging and extremely high quality adult learning experiences. They are able to flex content during sessions ensuring that attendees get the information and associated activities that is right for their development.'

Feedback from participants

Deeper Thinking & Better Learning in RE in Secondary Schools

'I think the content and resources were excellent. It’s been a long time since I went to a course which I have felt I have learnt something that I can take away and use and will aid my teaching.'


Case Study:

Seven days of CPD in active and imaginative RE

School/Organisation Name:

Leeds Diocese

What did they need?

The diocese wanted to enable primary teachers to build their confidence in handling RE and to branch out into creative and imaginative teaching and learning methods, reinforcing the central role of RE in the life of the school.

Working with RE Today

About four years ago the diocese made initial contact with RE Today, and broached their idea of 'Seven days of CPD in active and imaginative RE', one for teachers in each year group. Two RE Today advisers worked with the Diocesan Adviser to create the programmes and publicity, mirroring the Catholic Curriculum Directory’s requirements closely, and focusing on spiritual creative and thoughtful ways of ‘doing RE’.

How did we do?

Chris Devanny, Diocesan RE Co-ordinator, Vicariate for Education, Catholic Diocese of Leeds:

'The RE Today advisers have a vision of excellence in RE which has inspired hundreds of teachers in the diocese and they have the skills to bring this vision to life in very practical and effective ways – just what teachers need. The work of RE Today has increased the confidence of teachers, enabling them to adopt creative approaches to the Catholic RE curriculum and to approach the teaching of other faiths with increasing self-assurance because of the accurate and effective approaches promoted by RE Today... So thank you to RE Today.'


Find out more

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