Agreed Syllabus for RE: meeting your needs
The provision of a clear, well-structured, up-to-date and professional agreed syllabus is probably the single most important function of SACRE. Combined with ongoing implementation training and resources, a new syllabus offers the potential to raise achievement in RE in all local schools. It is also essential to consider how this relates
to new inspection requirements, to developments in assessment and in teaching and learning, revised GCSEs, the National Report from the Commission on RE, the ‘British Values’ agenda, and all associated educational change.
Over the last few years we have been working with a wide range of Local Authorities and SACREs, and a growing number are choosing to make use of one of our ‘off-the-shelf’ syllabus models. We believe this is based upon our ability to work effectively with each Local Authority, providing a syllabus and ongoing support. This both meets the legal requirements and provides an effective basis for teachers to deliver excellent Religious Education in their classrooms.
Take a look at our RE Today Agreed Syllabus brochure to see how we can work with you.
Download our SACRE Brochure here