Frequently Asked Questions

Need some help? Here are some answers to commonly asked questions.

How can you maximise my RE budget?

We understand that many education providers are working with vastly different budgets, especially budgets which are dedicated to the provision of RE. Whatever the case, this should not impact your ability to access high-quality RE training and resources for your pupils. Simply let us know what your budget is, and we will come up with innovative options for you to choose from!

What CPD options do you have?

One size does not suit all for your pupils, and we know our teachers are no different! We focus on providing the best CPD that will meet your individual needs. Our ‘consultancy support and course directory’ is a good place to start browsing. This will give you a flavour of what we are about. Just send us an email of what sort of development you are looking for and we will take it from there.

How can I increase enthusiasm for teaching RE within my school?

Do your teaching staff or SLT need a little persuasion when it comes to RE? You are not alone! We have a team of professional, innovative and dedicated RE Advisers whose role is to work with schools to develop amazing RE in the classroom. You are taking the right step by using professional consultants and advisers, as we bring the energy, expertise and encouragement with us!

How can you show me how to deliver the learning outcomes from our agreed syllabus?

Has your school or LA chosen to implement an exceptional RE Today syllabus? We have specific schemes of work which link across to our model A and B syllabus and these have lots of examples on how to deliver your learning outcomes. We will openly share examples, and often provide bespoke training for helping to embed our syllabus into your school(s). Drop us an email and we will be happy to help.

What are the benefits of webinars?

Struggling to attend a one-day course? Webinars are affordable, accessible CPD with multiple benefits! We offer 2 types of webinar, both unique in their own right!

  • Interactive, where you can engage with other RE teachers on specific subjects that are led by one of our RE Advisers. We host one webinar per term for both primary and secondary. View upcoming webinars here >
  • We also offer a library of recorded webinars which you access at your convenience. To see a list of recorded primary or secondary webinars get in touch and we would love to help.

Send us an email and we let you have details on what is available now, what is coming up or what we can arrange especially for you.

Get in touch

To see how we can support you, request a brochure or to ask questions about our services, please complete our online form.

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