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Investigating Sikh Worldviews

Each term we publish a primary and a secondary curriculum publication. These are included in all NATRE membership packages and are also sold as stand alone publications available through the catalogue and webshop.

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Investigating Sikh Worldviews

This is the fourth book in the new series: Investigating Sikh Worldviews.

Section titles:

  • Investigating the data: Sikhs in the UK
  • Understanding Sikh worldviews: listening to Sikh voices
  • What is the role and impact of the Gurdwara on Sikhs and local communities?
  • What does the Japji mean for Sikhs, and what does it say about the nature of the Divine?
  • How do modern Sikh lives express the values and visions of the Gurus?
  • How important is equality between men and women in Sikh teaching and practice?

This volume about Sikhs continues the ‘Investigating Worldviews’ series with ideas and resources that bring lived religion to the classroom:

  • Infographics giving essential demographic and other data.
  • Results of a Sikh youth survey, giving qualitative and quantitative data on the views of Sikhs on what it means to be Sikh, the role of the Guru Granth Sahib in their lives, and contemporary issues.
  • Multidisciplinary research task on the role and value of the gurdwara.
  • Examination of the Japji on the nature of the Divine.
  • How the lives and work of two modern Sikhs embody Sikh values.
  • Unit on gender equality in Sikhi, supporting exam courses.

Take a look inside this edition

Author: Stephen Pett

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Previous series

The Challenging Knowledge in RE series supports knowledge development as set out in Ofsted’s RE research review, including substantive content, ways of knowing and personal knowledge. The series is also edited by Stephen Pett.

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