COVID-19 (support with teaching RE)

Here at RE Today we continue to work in close partnership with NATRE (National Association fo Teachers of Religious Education) to support teacher's during this uncertain and challenging time.

You can find information on all of the resources and offers detailed in the video at the end of this page.

Pupil home learning resources

To help you during this difficult time, RE Today is working hard to support NATRE by producing resources that ALL teachers can use, share with pupils and parents in order to support with home learning.

We will be adding FREE resources to this page on an ongoing basis so please keep checking the site. If you wish to sign up for our updates to inform you of new resources, then please sign up to our mailing list on the 'Stay informed' pod which can be found on this page.

Head over to the NATRE website to access these free resources.

Socially distanced learning

As schools follow demanding guidance about distancing, RE Today have provided ideas that can be used creatively with your pupils to provide good RE out of doors or in larger indoor spaces, making a varied learning diet possible. The activities can lead on to individual work at desks, but bring some energy, movement and interaction from RE to the class. Flexible ideas - you can tailor these easily to your needs for the 5-14 age range.

When complete, there will be 7 resources. All available to NATRE members, and a smaller selection FREE for all teachers.

Visit the NATRE website to see what is available.

Spirited Arts competition

NATRE's annual Spirited Arts competition will go ahead as planned. We have 5 fantastic themes for you and your pupils to choose from. The competition will make a great piece of creative home learning too!

We will be accepting entries via the normal routes: post & email. It is a huge help for us if teacher's are able to collate entries from their pupils and send us their best 10 as is the usual practice, however we understand this will be very difficult in some instances so we will also accept entries sent in from pupils/parents.

You can find full information including themes, entry details, supporting resources and prizes over on the NATRE website.

NATRE membership

Join NATRE today to get access to lots of benefits to support you and your school in delivering excellent RE. You'll get access to eVersions of our latest termly mailing, access to over 1000 downloadable resources and fantastic savings on a variety of CPD opportunities.

Find full information and hear what members have to say on the NATRE website.

RE Today Spring Sale

Our Spring Sale is back! Get the most out of your budget. Stock up on best-selling RE resources to support your planning and professional development. There's some amazing deals available - get a full series of 12 curriculum books for under £60, or 2 full series for £100!

Visit our online shop to take advantage of these huge savings!

3 for 2 on recorded webinars

Are you looking for ways to continue your CPD, whether you are working from home or still in school?

Refine your RE teaching skills, with 3 high-quality recorded webinars for the price of 2! That’s only £80 for 3 hours of CPD training and endless hours of revitalised RE in your classroom!

You can view all available sessions on our online shop.

Gloucestershire Primary RE online conference 2022 - Religion and worldviews: creative RE that prepares pupils for a diverse world

To book on to this years Gloucestershire Primary RE conference 2022, please click here.

Gloucestershire Primary RE online conference 2021 - RE with intent and impact: creative, thoughtful RE that makes a difference!

Information about Gloucestershire RE hubs - your local opportunity for RE support, and an update from Gloucestershire SACRE about free online resources for RE.

For resources and training on offer.

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