Julia Diamond Conway

Julia Diamond-Conway, National RE Adviser

Julia is a primary specialist. Prior to joining RE Today in 2014, she was a primary teacher for 14 years. During this time she was an Advanced Skills Teacher for both RE and Behaviour for Learning which allowed her to work with a large number of colleagues and pupils from several schools within her local authority. Whilst working as a teacher, Julia helped to develop her local authority’s Agreed Syllabus for RE and resources to support this, alongside training teachers in its implementation.

Julia has written for many RE Today publications including the popular Understanding Christianity resource and trains teachers around the country. Her passion is promoting excellent RE for all. Julia has been a member of the NATRE Executive Committee and now works with them to support NATRE local groups. She has also been involved in the development of NATRE’s journal, 'Professional REflection'. Alongside this Julia advises a SACRE in London and is always delighted to be involved in setting up Ambassadors of Faith and Belief schemes (AFABS).

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