Ian Nicholson - RE Today National RE Advisor

Ian Nicholson, National RE Adviser

Why RE?

When deciding what my career path would be I have always had an interest in RE from taking GCSE at my school in Derbyshire. Living in a monocultural area, RE gave me the opportunity to encounter other faiths whilst being able to investigate the reasons for how people acted. This ability to explore deep questions led me to a Theology degree which allowed to focus clearly on the questions religion raises about existence and what it is to be. Teaching the subject was a natural choice as it gave me the opportunity to carry on this investigation and inspire others to join my journey. Having been an adviser until 2007 to join RE Today was a natural progression to work with professionals to support them in helping young people learn and develop their understanding of religion.

Years experience

30 years – 23 teaching and 7 years teaching

In-school experience

I have taught in different 11 – 18 schools in the North West of England and have been a Head of RE and Sociology, Curriculum Leader for RE and PSHE and also a senior leader in an 11 – 18 school with responsibility for timetable, personal development and curriculum.

Adviser experience

I was the cross phase Lancashire LA Adviser for RE for five years, with responsibility for the review of the Agreed Syllabus, CPD and as SACRE Officer. I have also worked with the Training and Development Agency for Schools looking at professional development, teacher standards and recruitment and retention. Prior to joining RE Today I was the Chair of Trafford SACRE and Lead RE teacher in the authority, supporting colleagues in the primary and secondary phase. Since joining RE Today I have acted as RE Adviser for twelve SACREs and delivered face to face and online training across the country.

Areas of interest

  • Diversity in Islam
  • Hindu Dharma
  • Buddhism
  • Leadership and Management
  • Curriculum Design
  • GCSE and A Level


Exploring Sikhi Worldviews


Contributor to CPS – Tackling LGBT Hate Crime Guidance

Training courses

  • Knowledge in RE – Primary and Secondary
  • Diversity in Islam
  • Leadership in RE – Primary and Secondary
  • Worldviews – Hindu Dharma, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Non-Religious Worldviews
  • Post 16 Statutory RE
  • Deepening Learning in A Level RS
  • Literature and RE

Courses and events

Whether your focus is primary, secondary, professional, we have a range of courses and webinars to suit all your training needs - see our latest CPD opportunities here.

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