
Our RE Advisers work closely with Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and academies to find the best solutions for your school, tailoring our services to meet your needs.

Supporting your Multi-Academy Trust

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We provide RE services to all types of Academies and Multi-Academy Trusts, enabling you to better equip your staff with whole school CPD training or by supporting you to deliver Big RE days to all pupils in a school or specific to Key Stages. Our services include:

Leadership consultancy

    • Support for school leaders and governors on issues of RE and SMSC, British Values and responding to or preparing for Ofsted or SIAMS inspections.

RE and SMSC development

  • We can review RE in your academy or MAT and provide recommendations on RE and SMSC improvement. This can be targeted to specific concerns or improvement requirements raised in an Ofsted report.

RE syllabus

  • We can write a bespoke syllabus for you
  • Support you in writing a syllabus
  • License the RE Today syllabus to you

Inset Days

We hold Inset days for all types of schools, RE specialists or all staff and can cover any theme such as;

  • RE
  • Spiritual Moral Social Cultural development (SMSC)
  • British Values
  • Subject knowledge
  • Teaching and learning activities
  • Assessment

Pupil Days

Our pupil days can be tailored to meet the requirements of any type of school, and are suitable for a year group, key stage group, or can be coordinated across multiple schools, including across a MAT.

Currently our pupil days cover the following themes;

  • Fischy music – supports emotional, social and spiritual well-being in children through song
  • Body and Soul – covers relationships and sex
  • Respect for ALL – gives children and young people an opportunity to have a say about religions and belief, and promoting respect for all
  • What is religion anyway? – explores religion with year 5 and 6 pupils

Read our case study below to get a flavour of how we have supported others:

Case Study:

Primary RE Hub conference

School/Organisation Name:

Plymouth Teaching School Alliance

What did they need?

The Primary RE Hub members wanted a conference that would help them with practical ideas and resources to use in the classroom as well as providing them with subject knowledge support.

Working with RE Today

RE Today Adviser worked with the hub leader and SLE Katie Freeman to put together a day of practical workshops to support teachers where they were at. This day was specifically tailored to the needs of the teachers rather than just being an 'off the peg training day'.

How did we do?

Katie Freeman, Hub Leader and SLE, Plymouth Teaching School Alliance (Diocese and Academy).

'The RE Today training was brilliantly organised and thought through. It met the needs of all of our teachers and it didn't matter whether they were experienced coordinators or new to the role: they all went away having learnt something new. Each delegate was given colour handouts and resources that they could take back to school and use straightaway. The RE Adviser was so full of energy and humour, people loved listening to her and were enthused by her passion for RE.

We've used RE Today for six annual conferences and each time the sessions get better and better. A huge thank you to RE Today Adviser Fiona Moss for her utterly inspirational training day.'

Fiona Moss

Find out more

To see how we can support you, request a brochure or to ask questions about our services, please complete our online form.

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